Uncongested DNS Resolution

Your ISP routed you through Chicago, IL, United States (ORD).
We have processed your request in Chicago, IL, United States (ORD).
These are separate indicators that tell you where your request originated and where it was handled.
They could point to two different locations, but that is highly unlikely.


Use it in your favorite browser or your DNS app

Variant DNS-over-HTTPS Description
Unfiltered https://0ms.dev/dns-query Upstream to Cloudflare's DNS with per-request pacing.
Download .mobileconfig for Apple users.
Security https://0ms.dev/dns-security Upstream to Cloudflare's DNS with per-request pacing.
Download .mobileconfig for Apple users.
Adblock https://0ms.dev/dns-adblock Useful in restricted environments where installing blocklists is challenging.
Download .mobileconfig for Apple users.
CN Optimized https://0ms.dev/dns-cn Recommended for users in China and nearby countries.
DNS64 Unfiltered https://0ms.dev/dns64 Support for IPv6-only networks.
You should only enable DNS64 if you are managing or using an IPv6-only network.
Accelerator https://0ms.dev/dns/(your preferred DNS provider) Fast and predictable DNS usage*,
ensuring a smooth and reliable online experience with any DoH provider.
This is useful if your DNS upstream is located far from your country.

How to use:
Multiqueue https://0ms.dev/mq/(your preferred DNS providers) Adding multiqueue support to the Accelerator variant.
You can specify more than one upstreams by adding /mq/ between them.

How to use:

Note that:
  1. *Read the technical details here.
  2. • DNS doesn't keep logs.
  3. • DNS uses Anycast 🌏 network.
  4. • DNS can handle high request volumes regardless of whether you're a small or large ISP,
    school, university, or any other organization.
  5. • Use the Accelerator variant if you want to accelerate specific DNS providers.
  6. • Privacy Policy/ToS/AUP other than from 0ms.dev should follow Cloudflare's Privacy Policy/ToS/AUP
    and the policy of the upstream DNS providers you're using.
  7. • If you have any other questions you would like to ask us,
    please feel free to contact us via the following email address: ask@0ms.dev

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